Here is a short list of changes that you might have noticed have been activated since this morning:
The Current Name widget has disappeared. Nevertheless, you will now find the possibility to add the current name under the Synonyms Widget instead. This also allows you to look up taxons and/or specimens via the ‘is a synonym of’ search
You will find an additional field under the ‘localisation Widget’ under the parts tab. This can be used if an object is stored in another physical institution then the institution managing the actual collection. You are by no means obliged to use this field, though.
When you enter a name in the catalogues search field and click on the new button below, the system will as of now copy what you have written in the name field of the new record. Saves you a bit of time, doesn’t it!
You will now see two new icons appear when you hover over the specimens tab:
The first icon is the ‘pin’ icon, allowing you to add the current record to a temporary list in order for you to save later on or use during a ‘Mass Actions’ update.
The second icon is a ‘View only’ icon and will give you the possibility of viewing your record as if you were a registered user.
A new ‘Import’ action has been added to the Administration menu. This tool was added specifically for the DNA collections but can possibly be used in future for other imports as well. However, this feature is not yet fully operational and so you are requested not to use or test it for the time being. More to come later on …