Install the Db on Debian (Squeeze or Wheezy)

Here is a how to for the installation of the Postgresql DB on a Debian Wheezy (Stable at the time of writing). We’re gonna describe the installation With Postgresql 9.1. As Darwin is tested with PG9.1 it may be working with newer version as well.

PostgreSQL 9.1

Packages installation

Install the required packages :

# sudo aptitude install git postgresql-9.1 postgresql-contrib-9.1 postgresql-9.1-postgis

Configuration of Pg

Quick, Dirty and Unsafe config of PG (where main is the name of your cluster)

in /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf

listen_addresses = '*'
custom_variable_classes = 'darwin'
datestyle = 'iso, dmy'

you might want to display everything in your logs by adding : log_min_duration_statement = 0

in /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf

host all all md5

Don’t forget to restart with your cluster ( sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart )

Get the Code

Darwin Db install scripts are located in the main darwin repository (where the web interface is ). If you already have a copy of the code, go in it, if not, just do :

$ git clone darwin

then go to the darwin/data/db/ directory

Installation of Darwin in Pg

First of all contributive packages are used in Darwin such as pg_trgm and pgcrypto

We provide a script for the installation of darwin

use the command help to view more details about the script.

For some commands you must be connected to the database with the postgres user account, so make sure you have access to the postgres user through sudo

We STRONGLY recommend you to put a ~/.pgpass file in your home and in the postgres home directory to avoid typing your password over and over again (especially for testing).

Read the Documentation about .pgpass

Add a .pgpass and make it look (please adapt it for your needs) like this :*:*:darwin2:MyP4ssw0rd!

Don’t forget to chmod it correctly

$ chmod u=rw ~/.pgpass

The easiest way to install the db is to call the command :

$ ./ install-all

This command will create a new db with a new tablespace and install all of darwin in it.

You can also customize the installation by passing some variable to the script (see ./ help)